Junior Prom, Revisited

This weekend, at the wedding of one of my best childhood friends, I was reminded of why I love John so very much.


The wedding was held at the same church where I received First Communion and Reconciliation, and where John and I together received Confirmation and Holy Matrimony.  It’s the church where we met and the church where Jacob was baptized.  But as beautiful and reminiscent as the wedding Mass was, that wasn’t what brought me back.


It wasn’t until we got onto the dance floor at the reception that I was struck by what made me fall for my guy.  The DJ was playing a series of Motown-y-type oldies (my very favorite kind), and although there weren’t many people out there, I wanted to dance.  Other couples weren’t dancing yet; other guys really weren’t dancing yet.  Just my mom and a bunch of her (awesome) friends.  But because John knows what kind of music I like, we were on the floor as soon as our little feet could get us there.


All of a sudden, I was back at my junior prom—the prom I asked John to because we were kind of getting to be friends and I wanted to go with a date.  Sometime after dinner, a song I liked came on, and I wanted to dance.  I didn’t think anyone would want to come with me, and I wasn’t going to dance alone in front of my entire class.

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I was surprised when John said he’d dance with me (yes, he was my date, but this wasn’t his school, and how many guys really volunteer to dance to a fast song?).  I was more surprised that I agreed, and then even more surprised at what a good time we had.  I guess we were both surprised and didn’t yet understand what kind of seed had been planted between the two of us.  It wasn’t until the start of the next school year that we started to hang out in a group of mutual friends more often, and it wasn’t until the following February that we became an official couple.



But something started at that dance, for sure.  For some reason, we were just plain comfortable with one another.  We could dance for hours, we could talk for days, and more and more we found that we wanted to be with one another.  The carefree, fun-loving, and love-filled nature in John that made that dance so much fun is the same spirit that made me fall in love with him, that keeps me falling in love with him over and over again.


No matter how many proms/semi-formals/weddings we go to, I know I’ll always have someone to dance with.  Isn’t that what marriage is all about?

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2 Responses to Junior Prom, Revisited

  1. Such a sweet post! My husband and I love to dance too, and we’re usually the first one on the dance floor at weddings. We make fools out ourselves, but we enjoy ourselves. Glad to see we’re not the only dancing married couple!

    • Absolutely not! The DJ also did a cute thing where he had all the married couples out on the floor at once, and then asked couples to sit down one by one, based on how long they’d been married. The last couple standing had been married fifty-five years! And they were still dancing together 🙂

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