Snack Cup Addict

It took me until I was about nine to have one stuffed animal that I really clung to, so I wasn’t surprised when it didn’t seem like Jacob had found an irreplaceable connection with any of his toys. He never took to a pacifier and while he sleeps with those weird blankets-with-animal-heads “lovies,” he’s not super attached to them. I thought this was just because he was such an easygoing guy, and I thought that was pretty cool of him.

This week I learned I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

True, our little boy is not attached to any stuffed animal, blanket, or pacifier. But you’ve heard the expression “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”? I think that was written about Jacob.

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It was cute for a while, but now there are times he needs to just put the snack cup down and walk away. Unfortunately, he has a grip like a vice and a will like steel. I know there’s going to be a tantrum anytime I try to take it away.

I’m hoping this is just a phase, and I really can’t wait for the day he decides to kick the habit.

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One Response to Snack Cup Addict

  1. Rob Rubin says:

    You son is adorable. Reminds me of my 1 1/2 year old. In fact I think we have the same sippy cups. My kid loves his pacifier though – way too much. He often likes to carry 2 or 3 of them and switch back and forth. He loves to eat to, but preferably after spilling everything on the floor – I guess the dirt gives his Goldfish added spice.

    Rob, The Mainland

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