What Are You Doing This Summer?

I know it seems a little early to think about summer 2012. Most people haven’t even had a chance to break their New Year’s resolutions yet. What can I say? I’m a planner.


So what are we doing this summer?  Well . . .


We’re having a baby.



Number two is on the way, and we are so excited. It was lots of fun to share the news with family and friends over Christmas. Jacob helped:
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Like when I found out I was pregnant with Jacob, the moment I knew No. 2 existed was one of such peace and calm. I have never had any reason to believe that we would not be able to have healthy children, but you just don’t know until it happens. I’ve heard the stories of friends who had have miscarriages before they were able to bring children to term, and read the stories of women who miscarried even after having a number of healthy children. Becoming pregnant really is a miracle every time, and it’s an experience I just can’t take for granted.


This time John and I read the results together, and while we both admit that this time feels different—in a good way—even he reacted the same way he did with Jacob. Smile . . . hug . . . kiss . . . smile . . . kiss . . . hug.


We are thrilled to be a family of four and ask for your prayers for a continued happy, healthy pregnancy; a happy, healthy delivery; and of course, a happy, healthy baby.

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One Response to What Are You Doing This Summer?

  1. AAaaaaahhhh!!!! So exciting! {I meant to answer your email the other day, and then got sidetracked!} So stinking excited for you! When are you due???

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